The Ba'alwi clan, which originates from Tarim, Hadramaut, Yemen, claims to be
descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. via Ahmad bin 'Isa bin Muhammad alNaqib bin 'Ali al-'Uraidi bin Ja'far al-Sadiq bin Muhmmad al-Baqir bin 'Ali Zainal Abidin bin Husain bin Fatimah bint Muhammad Saw... For their claim, they wrote many books starting in the ninth century Hijriah. In these works, they try to connect their ancestor named 'Ubaidillah with the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad's family. through the claim that Ubaidillah was one of the sons of Ahmad bin 'Isa.
Not only that, they also created a history of the character of 'Ubaidillah and his
lineage downward with extraordinary historical stories. Unfortunately, this claim is full of intrigue and scientific scandal that is lacking from reliable sources. This article will prove that these various claims have no historical basis from contemporary or close sources and are even scientifically rejected.
The news contained in internal Ba'alwi sources about the Hijrah (moving) of Ahmad bin 'Isa, for example, does not include primary sources, in fact, it seems forced by attaching the title after Ahmad's name to Al-muhajir (the one who moved). External sources who were closer in time to Ahmad bin 'Isa even reported that Ahmad bin 'Isa was in a village in Medina called "Surya."
Other names from the Ba'alwi lineage were also missing from the reportage of the Prophet Muhammad's lineage writers. and escaped the historiography of contemporary and local historians. What is even more surprising is that in internal Ba'alwi historiography, it has been proven that the title of a historical figure in Mirbat was stolen, which was then given to someone within the Ba'alwi genealogical lineage. Specifically regarding the Ba'alwi claim to be descendants of the Prophet, several scholars have rejected this claim, for example Ahmad bin Sulaiman Abu Bakrah al-Turbani, Murad Syukri Suwaidan, Sheikh Muqbil al-Wada'i, and 'Ali al-Tantawi. This article will show something important that was missing from the narrative of previous scholars who canceled the Ba'alwi lineage.
by : ﷻبسم الله الرحمن الرحيمﷻ